Riley McCartney Associates provides many key services to natural product manufacturers,
distributors, store owners, representatives and natural product entrepreneurs across all categories.

Consulting Services

Riley McCartney Associates owners Thomas Riley and Debora McCartney Riley, “Riley & Deb,”
have a combined 40 years of experience in the natural product industry.
Along with their team of industry professionals, they can consult with you on any number of crucial industry
topics, such as product development and branding, acceptable ingredients, pricing and promotions, how to
work with retailers and distributors, how to find and work with reps and much more, as well as specialized
one-on-one business-building consulting through their Natpreneur Consulting and targeted
Head2Head coaching programs. A little time spent with them now can save you a lot later.

Product & Brand Development

Whether you are ready and set to go and launch a new natural brand or still in the great idea stage, we can help!
In fact, we launched our Natpreneur program especially for you! With Natprenuer Head2Head, you can get
personalized coaching and hands-on assistance at any stage of your business journey.

Brand Messaging & Creative

Style, substance, punctuation and location. You only get one chance to make a first impression
with your copy and visuals. Why should they buy your product? Why should they support your brand?
What is so special here?
If you cannot communicate the answers to these questions to the store buyer or end consumer
you are finished before you even get started. Call us first … Let our Brand Creatives professionals help you
put your best foot forward right from step one!

Product Representation

If your line is “rep-ready” for “prime time,” our sales representation arm, Life of Riley Marketing,
may consider your line for presentation directly to retailers and / or distributors up and down the East Coast.
Life of Riley Marketing can also act as master brokers to bring your line to territories across the country.


Riley McCartney Associates provides many key services to natural product manufacturers,
distributors, store owners, representatives
and natural product entrepreneurs
across all categories.

Consulting Services

Riley McCartney Associates owners Thomas Riley
and Debora McCartney Riley, “Riley & Deb,”
have a combined 40 years of experience in the
natural product industry. They can consult with you on any number of crucial industry topics,
such as product development and branding, acceptable ingredients, pricing and promotions,
how to work with retailers and distributors,
how to find and work with reps and much more,
as well as specialized one-on-one business-building consulting through their Natpreneur
Head2Head coaching program. A little time
spent with them now can save you a lot later.

Product & Brand Development

Whether you are ready and set to go and launch
a new natural brand or still in the great idea stage,
we can help! In fact, we launched our Natpreneur
program especially for you! With Natprenuer Head2Head, you can get personalized coaching
and hands-on assistance at any stage of your
business journey.

Brand Messaging & Creative

Style, substance, punctuation and location. You
only get one chance to make a first impression
with your copy and visuals. Why should they buy
your product? Why should they support your brand? What is so special here?
If you cannot communicate the answers to these questions to the store buyer or end consumer
you are finished before you even get started.
Call us first … Let our brand creatives professionals help you put your best foot forward
right from step one!

Product Representation

If your line is “rep-ready” for “prime time,” our sales representation arm, Life of Riley Marketing,
may consider your line for presentation
directly to retailers and / or distributors
up and down the East Coast. Life of Riley
Marketing can also act as master brokers to
bring your line to territories across the country.

Consulting Services
Product & Brand Development
Brand Messaging & Creative
Brand Representation

For more information on our natural industry services, just drop us a line or give us a buzz ...
Fill out the form on our contact page, or call us at 1-855-RILEY-55.

For more information on our
natural industry services, just
drop us a line or give us a buzz ...
Fill out the form on our
contact page, or call us
at 1-855-RILEY-55.

We love partnering with industry innovators to help close the gap between great brands, savvy retailers and
educated consumers. Interested in our modern, innovative ways to present your products and reach
the right buyers for your brand? Give us a call!

About Us

Copyright 2006 - 2023 &nbsp &nbspRiley McCartney Associates, Inc.